Leading Your Career with Passion and Purpose

Nov 28, 2017

This fall, IGS partnered with Leadercast to be a hosting site for Leadercast Women. Here are some of the key takeaways:

One of the characteristic traits of millennials is that they want their career to serve a bigger purpose. As they become more and more of our modern workforce, purpose and passion, become words that come up more and more often in career pathing conversations.


A day with Leadercast Women

This fall, IGS partnered with Leadercast to be a hosting site for Leadercast Women. Employees were invited to take a day from their regular responsibilities to participate in the screening. The screening featured speakers such as:

  • Bernice King (daughter of the Late Martin Luther King, Jr.), CEO of the King Center
  • Jenn Lim, Chief Happiness Officer at Zappos
  • Molly Fletcher, Sports Agent, Author and Speaker
  • Ginger Hardage, Former Senior Vice President of Culture and Communications at Southwest Airlines

The day was themed: ‘Powered by Purpose’ and speakers challenged listeners to consider their unique purpose and how they are working towards it.

How to lead a purposeful life and career

Here are some of the key takeaways that left an impression on our community:

Brianna T.Brianna T. shared her favorite quote of the day:

"You are important. You are an answer to a question. You are the solution to a problem. Go out and be the soul of the nation."

– Bernice King

Ina M.
Ina M. took on the challenge of intention when it comes to managing time:

“Make time for what matters most. 'I don't have time' means it is not a priority.”

– Laura Vanderkam

Jodi L. walked away with the courage to seize the day:

“When the opportunity is served up to you, say YES.”

– Mama Jan Smith


Why Leadercast?

The vision for Leadercast Women is to create an inspiring and collaborative environment for women and men to have an amazing leadership experience. As a result, the screening was a perfect fit for our workplace initiative, Women of IGS.

The purpose of Women of IGS is to discuss issues that are relevant to women in the workplace. And even though the title calls out women specifically, the group isn’t exclusive to only females. Every single Women of IGS meeting has had male representation. The community is a great space to have open and honest conversations about creating an equal opportunity workplace.

“I think it helped everyone remember why they do what they do and feel refreshed.”

- Haley N., Rotation Analyst

Employees were thoughtful throughout the day, and by the end, conversations were buzzing with epiphanies and new ways of thinking.

I really enjoyed how I saw it bring everyone at IGS together. There were so many people I ran into that asked if I went and I was able to have some amazing conversations with others surrounding it.”

Regan D., Rotation Analyst


Living a life of passion and purpose.

People Are Why we do everything that we do both inside and outside the workplace.

”At IGS, we work to cultivate a culture where people are working towards a bigger goal, with purpose.”

– Jenni Kovach, Chief People Officer

If you are looking for an opportunity that is powered with more passion and purpose, we would love to talk to you and see if there is an opportunity at IGS that might be a good fit.

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