Taking inspiration from a Maya Angelou quote – People will forget what you said; people will forget what you did; but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Ishi works hard to connect with each customer she speaks to.
Read MoreTaking inspiration from a Maya Angelou quote – People will forget what you said; people will forget what you did; but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Ishi works hard to connect with each customer she speaks to.
Read MoreIGS sent two groups of employees to orphanages in Mexico to install solar panels with the help of GRID Alternatives. Read more about the impact the installations with have on the orphanages:
Read MoreIGS Champions is a series featuring our employees that go above and beyond for our customers, our company, and our community. Learn about how Laurie Lapinskas makes a lasting impression on our customers.
Read MoreThere are three key changes to the energy landscape that are completely changing the way people get, store, and use their energy. And at IGS, we’re pretty excited about them.
Read MoreIGS Energy, volunteerism and community service are a part of our culture. We are passionate about serving the communities where we live, work, and do business.
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