Natural Gas Providers: How to Choose

Why choose an energy supplier?
If you live in a deregulated energy market, you’ve probably received letters from suppliers asking you to enroll or “lock in” a specific rate on your electricity. In a deregulated market, you have the ability to choose what sort of supplier you will deal with. If you're confused by your options or the benefits of working with a particular supplier, continue reading and let us help you make some sense of it all.
Suppliers offer predictable, stable rates.
The rates offered by a supplier are more flexible and varied than what a utility can provide since they typically only offer a variable—or potentially changing—rate. Suppliers, on the other hand, bring other options to the energy marketplace such as predictable, stable rates that don’t fluctuate with market prices.
Longer terms are great for budgets.
Since suppliers purchase the electricity and natural gas for you in advance, they can offer various length terms. This is great for the homeowner or small business who wants to budget for the year without worry that their rates for their energy supply will change.
Suppliers make good on seasonal opportunities.
Most Americans consume higher levels of electricity between May and September due to increased air conditioning use – and vice versa, natural gas rates tend to be higher during the winter season due to increased heating needs. Because of this trend, the prices typically swell during those peak months which can make for higher utility bills. Pay attention this year, if your supplier sends you an offer for low electricity or natural gas rates in the spring or fall, they could be anticipating rates to jump.
Other perks your supplier can offer.
Along with an exceptional customer experience, suppliers often offer incentives or products with their energy supply. But programmable thermostats, home warranty products, and demand response programs are just the beginning; working with the right supplier can mean far more than steady electricity prices.