3 Reasons to Choose Community Solar

If you want to take part in a cleaner electric grid while also saving money on your electric bill, you might consider powering your home with solar. But for many, rooftop solar just isn't an option: You might not own your residence, you might live in a shaded area that's not ideal for panels, or maybe you're simply not ready to invest in a rooftop system. If you fall into one of these groups, there's another green, economical choice: community solar.
Here are three reasons why community solar could be the right choice for powering your home — and protecting your budget!
Benefit 1: Savings
In the last couple years, the price of energy has fluctuated wildly. This volatility is due to several factors — including the increasingly global nature of energy supply and demand. But regardless of what’s driving higher prices, after years or relative price stability, many consumers are now seeking effective ways to save on their energy bills.
Here’s some good news: When you enroll in community solar with a provider like IGS Energy, you’ll experience guaranteed savings.
Learn how community solar guarantees you savings.
Benefit 2: Simplicity
Unlike with rooftop solar, participating in community solar doesn’t involve up-front investment. And one of the greatest benefits of joining a community solar program is that nothing needs to be installed at your home.
The enrollment process is simple and quick. Once enrolled in community solar, participants continue to receive their electric bill from their utility.
Learn how solar bill credits work.
Support of local clean energy generation
As more people enroll in community solar, we'll see a range of economic benefits, including the creation of high-quality local jobs. Taking part in community solar also helps make your community's electric grid more resilient — meaning there's a better chance of avoiding prolonged power outages.
Solar power is renewable, meaning it doesn't result in the carbon emissions produced when we consume fossil fuel-derived energy — and the investment in these community projects supports the creation of future solar projects in your region.
Want to learn more? Check out our community solar FAQ.
How The Community Solar Billing Process Works